
Times of Transition

Just to let you know this article refers to childbirth experiences. What does the word transition mean to you? Perhaps it conjures up the journey of someone who feels their body doesn’t reflect the gender they recognise themselves to be, and so they make some life altering changes. Perhaps it makes you think of a…

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Being More Lulu

Lately I’ve been feeling a great heaviness.Sub-optimal health and the general post-Brexit, peri-Covid world has left me feeling like life is a struggle, work is hard to come by and that people around me are not ok. It’s now become a habitual way of thinking for me.Part of my personality feels safe planning for the…

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Dark Days

Well here it is again. Right on cue. How can I possibly forget this phenomenon? Every year, just around the time I feel the impetus to write some Christmas cards, I feel a wave of abject misery roll down my body, plunging me in to unbelievable gloom. To be clear it’s not the thought of…

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Don’t Tread On Us

The other morning I awoke to the news that the legislation in the US guaranteeing women the national right to abortion since 1973 had been overturned by the Supreme Court there. It wasn’t a surprise. For years there have been ongoing erosions to this right and a leak to the media a while back meant…

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Power and Pleasure

Did you know that in some circles May is known as “Masturbation Month”?I didn’t until recently, but I do now.Personally I prefer the term “self pleasure” as it sounds so much nicer to me, further from the horror of “self abuse” and all the judgement that goes with it.The phrase “biding my time” is my…

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Women’s Day

About 15 years ago I attended an International Women’s Day Event run by the Council at my local community centre, on the subject of campaigning.  I learned there that the local park where I took my wee ones, was only as well equipped as it was, because a group of mums had campaigned for it.…

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The Process of Collecting Stories.

Over the last few months I have been meeting lots of women and hearing their life affirming, joyful and sometimes moving stories about sex.  Most of those who have given me stories are women I have met before and who have some sense of who I am that allows them to trust me enough to…

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Ladies Who Like It

Today I am launching “Ladies Who Like It”.  For some time I have been talking about the importance of women’s stories about sex. I don’t mean erotic stories. I mean the real life, funny, inspirational, sometimes moving, life giving stories, that women have about their own experiences around sexuality. For many women they would never…

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Functional Checklist by Babs

A guest blog post by a friend to Red Velvet Revelry. At the start of 2020, I thought that there might possibly or maybe, be a slight chance that I would step way out of my comfort zone and see if I had the courage to go dating again.  It had been a very long time…

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Languishing Libido

It’s been a long haul hasn’t it friends…? I mean this time last year, before the virus had us in it’s grip, we were just experiencing the normal January blues; maybe a post-Christmas anti climax, perhaps feeling a bit heavier than ideal in the weight department, a bit lighter than ideal in the finance department. …

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Why now is the perfect time for stories about sex.

In 1348 when plague swept through their land, Giovanni Bocaccio and his friends left the town Florence for a villa outside the town, for some privileged social distancing.  For ten days they kept each other company and told stories to distract and entertain themselves during a frightening time. They supported each other emotionally, and kept…

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Ms. U. Caliptus We went to France and it was hotter than I thought, I remember. I hadn’t been anywhere hot for years, and it was our first holiday away with the children: they were one and a half and three. I had become an old person, I realised, since the last time we had…

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52 and getting the hang of it…

When I was in my twenties I had a strong sense that everything worth experiencing was supposed to happen to me right then. This was when I should travel, have an interesting, impressive, socially useful job, get a house, get married, have great sex (in that order) and have kids. And actually I did most…

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Welcome to Red Velvet Revelry

“If our sex life were determined by our first youthful experiments, most of the world would be doomed to celibacy. In no area of human experience are human beings more convinced that something better can be had only if they persevere.”― P.D. James, The Children of Men I am a storyteller. I know that stories can bring…

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